(Cover Photo: Diego Arciniegas as “Galileo” with Sandra Seoane-Serí as “Maria Celeste” in a scene from "GALILEO'S DAUGHTER" by Jessica Dickey, now playing at Central Square Theater in Cambridge, MA. until December 8, 2024. Photo Credit Maggie Hall)
By Kevin T. Baldwin
METRMAG Reviewer
# 774-242-6724
“Something complex has no predictable outcome and therefore cannot be necessarily solved with method, observation and application."
- ("Maria Celeste") / Jessica Dickey
Written by Jessica Dickey
Directed by Reena Dutt
Co-produced with WAM Theatre
Cast Includes: Caroline Kinsolving* as “The Writer,” Sandra Seoane-Serí* as “Maria Celeste,” Diego Arciniegas* as “Galileo,” Lee Mikeska Gardner* (Understudy)
A Catalyst Collaborative@MIT Production
Additional Creative Team: Scenic Designer - Qingan Zhang; Scenic Apprentice - Drishti Chauhan; Costume and Properties Designer - Malorie R. Grillo; Lighting Designer - Andrea Sofia Sala; Sound Designer - Masatora Goya; Sound Engineer - William K. Stewart; Production Dramaturg - Talya Kingston; Production Stage Manager - Hope Rose Kelly*; Assistant Stage Manager & Wardrobe Supervisor - Jack Douglas Riter; Lighting Supervisor - Matthew Breton.
November 14, 2024 through December 8, 2024
(Contact Box Office for Exact Times)
CENTRAL SQUARE THEATER, 450 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139
# 617-576-278
Contact Venue for Most Updated COVID-19 Safety Protocols and Information.
Central Square Theater, in association with WAM Theatre, has staged a thought-provoking observation into the unique relationship between a father and child in "GALILEO'S DAUGHTER" now playing in Cambridge.
The one-act play’s strength draws from sticking to its roots and not trying to “over speculate” on the actual relationship between Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei (1564-1642) - aka “Galileo Galilei” - and his daughter, Maria Celeste.
(Photo: Diego Arciniegas as “Galileo” in a scene from "GALILEO'S DAUGHTER" by Jessica Dickey, now playing at Central Square Theater in Cambridge, MA. until December 8, 2024. Photo Credit Maggie Hall)
Galileo actually had three children “out of wedlock” and, due to their illegitimate births, the two daughters were seen as “unmarriageable” and thus sent to the convent of San Matteo in Arcetri for the rest of their lives.
"GALILEO'S DAUGHTER" focuses on the life of daughter Virginia who took the name “Maria Celeste” upon entering the convent - portrayed exceptionally well by actress Sandra Seoane-Serí.
(Photo: Caroline Kinsolving as “The Writer” with Sandra Seoane-Serí as “Maria Celeste” in a scene from "GALILEO'S DAUGHTER" by Jessica Dickey, now playing at Central Square Theater in Cambridge, MA. until December 8, 2024. Photo Credit Maggie Hall)
In the Central Square Theater production, Diego Arciniegas portrays Maria’s loving father, famed astronomer, engineer and physicist “Galileo.”
From the approach taken by playwright Jessica Dickey, Maria adored her father and was equally captivated by everything he studied.
Maria sees herself as more Galileo’s assistant and in a later century, she might well have proven herself his apprentice or even his heir apparent.
However, the time in which they exist makes that impossible - and Galileo himself draws ire for some of his groundbreaking theories which are considered heresy, not science.
(Photo: Sandra Seoane-Serí as “Maria Celeste” in a scene from "GALILEO'S DAUGHTER" by Jessica Dickey, now playing at Central Square Theater in Cambridge, MA. until December 8, 2024. Photo Credit Maggie Hall)
To protect his daughter, Galileo sends Maria to live at the convent.
Although they would mostly be physically separated for the rest of their lives, Maria, as sympathetically portrayed by Seoane-Serí, never stopped loving her father unconditionally, even when that separation became intolerable for her.
Their story becomes the source of inspiration for newly “separated” playwright simply known as “The Writer” (Caroline Kinsolving) who has come to Italy to research their remarkable story.
(Photo: Caroline Kinsolving as “The Writer” in a scene from "GALILEO'S DAUGHTER" by Jessica Dickey, now playing at Central Square Theater in Cambridge, MA. until December 8, 2024. Photo Credit Maggie Hall)
In "GALILEO'S DAUGHTER," actual playwright Dickey has constructed a thoughtful, sincere, kindhearted play that focuses much of its story on faith.
The play also explores the concept of forgiveness (mostly between a daughter and her father) and the price a father must pay for speaking the truth in a time when none choose to accept it (quite possibly Galileo’s greatest legacy).
As the Writer, Kinsolving is a steady presence throughout the 80-minute story and runs (literally and figuratively) into obstacle after obstacle in her research while the story is eventually unveiled to her and to us.
(Photo: Diego Arciniegas as “Galileo” with Sandra Seoane-Serí as “Maria Celeste” in a scene from "GALILEO'S DAUGHTER" by Jessica Dickey, now playing at Central Square Theater in Cambridge, MA. until December 8, 2024. Photo Credit Maggie Hall)
Using a minimalist set, "GALILEO'S DAUGHTER" unfolds, maneuvering us back and forth in time between Tuscany of present day and the 1600’s, with Diego Arciniegas outstanding as he expertly portrays multiple and diverse characters throughout.
"GALILEO'S DAUGHTER" continues in Cambridge at Central Square Theater until December 8th and, as much as Galileo explored the heavens, this is a play that well explores the heart.
Coming up next at Central Square Theater will be “SPACE” by LM Feldman and Larissa Lury which begins January 30th, 2025.
For more information and tickets, contact Central Square Theater at # 617-576-278 or at
Approximately 80 minutes with no intermission.
Kevin T. Baldwin is a member of the American Theatre Critics Association (ATCA)
When a playwright’s life is turned upside down, she travels to Florence to study the letters between Galileo and his daughter Marie Celeste, who is forced to join a convent after her father’s earth-shattering controversies.
Captured in the letters are her strength of will and own genius as she secretly assists her father in furthering his discoveries about the shape of the universe, inspiring a path forward for the Playwright.
Alternating between Tuscany of present day and the 1600’s – and the liminal space between playwright and audience – Jessica Dickey has crafted a play examining faith, forgiveness, and the cost of speaking the truth.
CENTRAL SQUARE THEATER (CST) is dedicated to the exploration of social justice, science and sexual politics through theater; catalyzing the dynamic synergies sparked by the collaboration between The Nora and Underground Railway. Through award-winning productions, the Catalyst Collaborative@ MIT Science Theater Initiative, and youth development programming – CST creates theater where points of view are heard, perspective shifts, and change can happen.
450 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA. 02139
# 617-576-9278