(Cover Photo: The ENSEMBLE of Gilbert and Sullivan's "RUDDIGORE or THE WITCH'S CURSE" from the Sudbury Savoyards in Sudbury, MA. through March 1, 2025. Photo Credit: Chris Pollari)
By Kevin T. Baldwin
METRMAG Reviewer
# 774-242-6724
"For twenty years I have been dead and buried. Don't dig me up now!"
- ("Sir Ruthven Murgatroyed/Robin Oakapple") / Gilbert and Sullivan
Written by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan
Stage Direction by Briana Bensenouci
Music Direction by Aldo Fabrizi
Stage Manager and Assistant Director Nadine Sa
Cast Includes: David Smyth as “Sir Ruthven Murgatroyed/Robin Oakapple,” Lindsey Buccella as “Rose Maybud,” Ben Oehlkers as “Richard Dauntless,” Jeremy White as “Sir Despard Murgatroyd,” Elaine Crane as “Mad Margaret,” Carolyn Schwartz as “Dame Hannah,” Lonnie Powell as “Sir Roderic Murgatroyd,” Ben Morse as “Old Adam Goodheart,” Clara Haymon as “Zorah*,” Graham Daley as “Ruth*,” Matt Tragert as “Sir Rupert Murgatroyd, The First Baronet*,” Liam Hefferman as “Sir Jasper Murgatroyd, The Third Baronet/2nd Ghost*,” Randy Glidden as “Sir Lionel Murgatroyd, The Sixth Baronet*,” Matt Garber as “Sir Conrad Murgatroyd, The Twelfth Baronet/3rd Ghost*,” Brad Amidon as “Sir Desmond Murgatroyd, The Sixteenth Baronet/4th Ghost*,” Jon Saul as “Sir Gilbert Murgatroyd, The Eighteenth Baronet*,” Santo Mammone as “Sir Mervyn Murgatroyd, The Twentieth Baronet/1st Ghost*.” Bridesmaids Union*: Debbie Crane, Dianne DeChellis, Jennifer Dohm, Ann Ferentz, Nora Sporn. Ensemble: Matt Behrle, Brendon Chetwynd, Kirsten Chetwynd, Meryl Eisenstein, Kai Fay, Suzanne Flint, Kristiana Floss, Deborah Gaz, Cat Glidden, Laurel Martin, Larry Millner, Aire Nifong, George Oliver, Mei-Lin Po, Tom Porcher, Karen Powers, Martin Reiss, Mary Jo Reiss, Alan Rohwer, Emily Rubinfeld, and Larry Seiler.
*Denotes also in Ensemble.
Additional Creative Team:
Administrative Producer - Laurel Martin; Technical Directors - Brendon Chetwynd, Blair Eig; Artistic Producer - Graham Daley; Costume Design - Sue Flint, Donna Roessler; Publicity Strategist - Sara DeLong; Assistant Stage Manager - Emmeline Jones; Set Design - Laurel Martin, Brendon Chetwynd, Blair Eig; Master Elecrician - Lowell Gilbert; Sound Design - Bill Lopoulos; Makeup Design - Elizabeth Stone; Props Coordinator - Nancy Powers.
Lincoln Sudbury Regional High School, 390 Lincoln Road, Sudbury, MA. 01776
February 22, 2025 through March 1, 2025
(Contact Box Office for Exact Times)
Contact Venue for Most Updated COVID-19 Safety Protocols and Information.
The Sudbury Savoyards plots course on a bizarre journey , taking us to a fishing village unlike one you might ever sea, um, see again in the Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera, "RUDDIGORE or THE WITCH'S CURSE."
"RUDDIGORE or THE WITCH'S CURSE" was originally called “Ruddygore” yet, for the purposes of this review, we will simply refer to the show as "RUDDIGORE."
"RUDDIGORE" is presented in two acts, featuring music by Arthur Sullivan and libretto by W.S. Gilbert. It is one of the Savoy Operas and (for those keeping track) is tenth of fourteen comic operas written by Gilbert and Sullivan.
"RUDDIGORE" was first performed in London in 1887, running for 288 performances then later was revived after the First World War.
In 2000, Oxford University Press published a scholarly edition of the "RUDDIGORE" score and libretto, edited by Sullivan scholar David Russell Hulme which restored the work as far as possible to the state in which its authors left it.
Some of the plot elements of "RUDDIGORE" had been introduced by Gilbert in his 1869 one-act opera, “Ages Ago,” including a wicked ancestor and the device of "ancestors stepping out of their portraits."
The latest Sudbury Savoyards' production of the opera parodies melodrama as Gilbert, in his inherent "topsy-turvy" fashion, turns the moral absolutes of melodrama upside down:
The hero becomes villain, the villain becomes hero, and the virtuous maiden changes fiancés at the drop of a hat.
(Photo: Ben Morse as "Old Adam" with David Smyth as "Robin Oakapple" in a scene fromGilbert and Sullivan's "RUDDIGORE or THE WITCH'S CURSE" from the Sudbury Savoyards in Sudbury, MA. through March 1, 2025. Photo Credit: Chris Pollari)
The story begins in the small fishing village of Rederring, in Cornwall.
Singing the show’s opener “Fair is Rose” is a chorus of “professional bridesmaids” (which yes is as strange as it sounds) who collectively are despondent over the absence of weddings in Rederring for over six months.
From the outset, it should be duly noted that the blending of voices in this Sudbury Savoyards' production from beginning to end is exemplary.
The maidens point out how the only eligible bachelors all only seek the hand of one pretty Rose Maybud (Lindsey Buccella), the most desirable woman in the village.
The desperate bridesmaids seek the advice of Rose's aunt, Dame Hannah (Carolyn Schwartz) who, herself, has vowed to remain eternally single.
When asked why, Dame Hannah reveals of her devotion to Sir Roderic Murgatroyd (Lonnie Powell), one of the "cursed" bad baronets of RUDDIGORE.
Schwartz is engaging as Dame Hannah, who explains the curse of RUDDIGORE which began centuries ago as the first Baronet of RUDDIGORE - Sir Rupert Murgatroyd (Matt Tragert) - persecuted witches.
However, as one of his victims burned at the stake, the Witch laid a curse on all future Baronets of RUDDIGORE, forcing them to commit a crime every day or they would perish in torment.
Strange curse, indeed, but go figure as it turned out to be true when every Baronet of RUDDIGORE would perish once they could no longer bring themselves to commit a crime on a daily basis.
(Photo: Lindsey Buccella as "Rose" with Clara Haymon as "Zora" and members of the Bridesmaids Union ENSEMBLE in a scene from Gilbert and Sullivan's "RUDDIGORE or THE WITCH'S CURSE" from the Sudbury Savoyards in Sudbury, MA. through March 1, 2025. Photo Credit: Chris Pollari)
Rose is hesitant to marry not finding a man of decency and courage.
The one man who seems to meet her criteria and has already won her heart is humble farmer Robin Oakapple (David Smyth), as Buccella magnificently conveys in “If Somebody There Chanced to Be.”
Old Adam Goodheart (Ben Morse) is Robin's faithful companion and reveals (to us) that Robin is, in actually, one of the Baronets, Sir Ruthven (pronounced "Rivven") Murgatroyd, believed to be dead for the last two decades.
If Robin had ascended to the Baronetcy of RUDDIGORE he would also be subject to its curse.
Unfortunately for Robin, as the story unfolds, his identity (spoiler alert!) will soon be revealed.
(Photo: Ben Oehlkers as "Richard Dauntless" with members of the ENSEMBLE in a scene from Gilbert and Sullivan's "RUDDIGORE or THE WITCH'S CURSE" from the Sudbury Savoyards in Sudbury, MA. through March 1, 2025. Photo Credit: Chris Pollari)
Seafarer Richard Dauntless (Ben Oehlkers), Robin's foster-brother, arrives after ten years at sea.
Robin tells brother “Dick” that he is afraid to declare his love for Rose.
So, Richard offers to speak to her on Robin’s behalf.
However, once Richard sees Rose he instantly (and I mean instantly, literally “love at first sight” instantly) falls in love, proposing immediately.
Bound by societal rules (which are inexplicably silly) Rose accepts.
This is where the story gets even sillier.
Bad Baronet Sir Despard Murgatroyd (Jeremy White) intends to usurp the wedding by kidnapping Rose as part of his “daily crimes" requirement to stave off the family curse.
The aptly named Mad Margaret (Elaine Crane) emerges, driven to madness by her own love for Sir Despard and now seeks an alliance with Rose.
Both White and Crane are hilarious to watch in each of these (intentional) over-the-top scenery-chewing performances.
As the village gathers to celebrate the nuptials of Rose and (“…” fill in the blank), Robin’s secret is revealed, and now he must swap places with Sir Despard and move back into the castle at RUDDIGORE to begin his obligatory curse of committing a crime a day.
Even as social or political satire, the entire concept of "RUDDIGORE" is ruddy ridiculous - but the execution by The Sudbury Savoyards under the stage direction of Briana Bensenouci is pure delight.
(Photo: The ENSEMBLE of Gilbert and Sullivan's "RUDDIGORE or THE WITCH'S CURSE" from the Sudbury Savoyards in Sudbury, MA. through March 1, 2025. Photo Credit: Chris Pollari)
From the show’s absurd beginning to its outlandish ending, the exuberance shared by the immensely talented principals and Ensemble is proportionately delightful, quite infectious and ultimately reels us in.
The Sudbury Savoyards' set design for "RUDDIGORE" is simply gorgeous as is the myriads of costumes used throughout the production.
The second act castle replete with “interactive” family portraits is especially clever.
As is tradition with Savoyards, the exceptional live orchestra conducted by Music Director Aldo Fabrizi is a joy to experience before the curtain even goes up.
There is an abundance of top-notch vocal performances, fine music and lighthearted fare to be enjoyed in "RUDDIGORE or THE WITCH'S CURSE" - and the fun continues in Sudbury until March 1st, 2025.
For tickets contact The Sudbury Savoyards at https://sudburysavoyards.org/tickets/
Approximately two hours, 20 minutes with one intermission.
Kevin T. Baldwin is a member of the American Theatre Critics Association (ATCA)
"RUDDIGORE" or "The Witch’s Curse” was the 10th collaboration between Gilbert and Sullivan.
The operetta is a parody of the stock melodrama — the villain who carries off the maiden; the priggishly good-mannered poor-but-virtuous-heroine; the hero in disguise, and his faithful old retainer who dreams of their former glory days; the snake in the grass who claims to be following his heart; the wild, mad girl; the swagger of fire-eating patriotism; ghosts coming to life to enforce a curse; and so forth.
But as one critic noted, Gilbert turns the moral absolutes of melodrama upside down:
Good becomes bad, bad becomes good, and heroes take the easy way out.
The Baronets of "RUDDIGORE" are cursed.
Anyone who succeeds to the title has to commit a crime every day — or perish in inconceivable agony.
Robin Oakapple, a young farmer, loves Rose Maybud, but both are too shy to tell the other. Robin has a secret.
He is really Sir Ruthven Murgatroyd, the rightful Baronet of "RUDDIGORE," in disguise.
His younger brother, Despard, believing Ruthven to be dead, has assumed the title.
Robin’s foster brother, Richard, seeking Rose for himself, tells Despard of Robin’s deception, and Robin is forced to accept his true position, losing Rose to Richard in the process.
Now the Baronet of "RUDDIGORE," Robin is confronted by the ghosts of his ancestors who step from their picture frames in the gallery of RUDDIGORE Castle to confront him for failing to conscientiously commit his daily crime.
Robin eventually finds a way of satisfying his ancestors demands whilst continuing to live a blameless life.
THE SUDBURY SAVOYARDS, INC. are a community theater organization founded in 1961 in Sudbury, Massachusetts that specializes in the light operas (“operettas”) composed by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. We are one of the few theater companies in New England that performs all the works of Gilbert & Sullivan as “Theater on a Grand Scale” – with a large chorus, full orchestra, and full staging, costuming, and lights. These productions feature a chorus open to all who wish to participate, while our leads are selected through competitive auditions. We perform one large scale G&S show a year, in winter. We produce a smaller-scale, usually non-musical comedy or light drama in the summer, and occasionally produce concerts and smaller outreach events. Charity had always been an important element in our program of work; THE SAVOYARDS have donated more than a quarter million dollars to world hunger relief over the past three decades. Although as a non-profit arts organization, our direct donations are limited, we continue to work to find ways to support relief of hunger though collaborations. As a registered 501(c)(3) organization, donations and gifts to THE SAVOYARDS are applicable as charitable deductions for tax purposes.
P. O. Box # 762
Sudbury, MA. 01776
Phone (Voicemail) # 781-369-5992